Never Not Hungry

March 2019 Book Bag

It’s March! Let’s get to reading! I’ve picked a few tomes this month, which will be a challenge because they’re over 1,000 pages each, but I’m gonna do it!

1. Harry Potter & the Half Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling

I’m on book 6 of my Harry Potter book-reading extravaganza to accompany the Binge Mode podcast’s deep dive into all of the books and movies.  I forgot just how great these books are!

2. One Million Followers by Brendan Kane

As a small blog with an even smaller social media following, I’m trying to learn all I can about growing into a self-sustaining brand and providing value to my followers.  Hopefully this book will help!

3. The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William L. Shirer

I’m OBSESSED with World War II history and I was looking for a great history book that covered the Nazis/Third Reich…this is it!

4. London by Edward Rutherford

I read Paris by the same author last month and it was so good.  I’ve started reading this book already to get a head start and I think it just might be better than Paris (even though I still highly recommend it!).  These stories are massive historical dramas involving real events in history surrounding mostly fictional characters and are so fascinating and well-thought-out.  I’ll definitely be reading all of Edward Rutherford’s novels!


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